Catching: Teaching Your horse to face you when you enter the corral. |
Haltering: Your horse will accept the halter willingly. |
Grooming and Loving on them: Building the bond between you and your horse. |
Picking up their feet: Teaching them to pickup their feet willingly and farrier preparation. |
Yielding to Pressure: Teaching que's on the ground that will carry over under saddle. |
One rein stops: A key to success with your horse. |
Leading and Backing: Teaching your horse to respect your space. |
Saddling: - Having a saddle that fits and the horse accepts it well. |
Circling: A controlled way of teaching your horse to go forward and move his HQ and FQ. |
Desensitizing: Making sure your horse is not afraid of plastic, whips, etc. |
Obstacles and Trailer Loading: Teaching your Horse to go over things, under things, or between things and not be afraid, but love them. |
Fence work: Teaching your horse to let you get on from the fence or steps. |
Mounting: Teaching your horse to accept a rider. |
Lateral Flexion: Teaching your horse to be soft and relaxed. |
Disengage Hindquarters and Asking the forehand around: Teaching your horse body control. |
Walk/Trot/Canter with a soft one rein stop: Getting the control you want and the freedom your horse want's. |
Stopping and Backing: Teaching your horse to find a light feel. |